2 Hours

Average 4 Projects Development Per Day

2.13 Hours

Average 4 Projects Interruption Per Day

0.8 : 0.9

Dev : Interrupt Ratio

9.59 %

Average 18 Tasks Update Progress Per Day
5 Latest Task Progress
Project NameTask NameStatusCreated DateLatest Updated DateDevelopment DurationProgress
Surat Keluar Dokumen/PaketMembuat user interface untuk user input dataComplete07 October 2020 12:59:2705 August 2021 13:46:26119 minutes or 1.98 hours

100 %

100% Complete (success)
Jadwal Kegiatan OtomasiMembuat backend untuk sistem CRUDComplete11 September 2020 08:02:1602 December 2020 14:38:32122 minutes or 2.03 hours

100 %

100% Complete (success)
Planning SystemCreate User Interface for Class Routine ActivitiesComplete26 March 2020 11:13:2505 August 2021 13:45:5010 minutes or 0.17 hours

100 %

100% Complete (success)
Maintenance ReportCreate user interface for user to report an issue related to facilityComplete05 March 2020 16:33:3305 August 2021 13:44:1089 minutes or 1.48 hours

100 %

100% Complete (success)
Planning SystemCreate PHP core module for Class Activity Planning (MCP)Complete26 March 2020 11:14:0205 August 2021 13:45:57115 minutes or 1.92 hours

100 %

100% Complete (success)
System Development Proposals
Proposed By
Proposed Time
Feature Description
Feature Main Function
Output Feature
Proposal Status
1Surat Keluar Dokumen/PaketNovi Landriani2020-09-30 17:02:35Agar user mendapatkan notifikasi email otomatis kalau dokumen/paket yang dikirim keluarUntuk mempermudah mendata dokumen/paket yang keluar Supaya informasi data dokumen yang keluar tercatat dengan baik dan prosedur penangananya surat jelas
File NameLink
flowchart surat keluar (2) (Autosaved).xlsxflowchart surat keluar (2) (Autosaved).xlsx
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2Jadwal Kegiatan OtomasiNovi Landriani2020-09-09 18:32:40Penambahan ada dikolam email otomasi itu (sent bisa diklik sendiri) agar ttp bisa memantau kalau ada perubahan data. Note : untuk deadline system bisa dalam waktu sebulan sudah selesai. Terimakasih MasSebagai sarana penyampaian informasi jadwal agar tendik dan dosen mengetahui acara kegiatan dikampus Sistem informasi perjadwalan secara otomatis
File NameLink
Schedule_Revision (3).xlsxSchedule_Revision (3).xlsx
ApprovedNot Available
3Planning SystemEko Cahyo Nugroho2020-03-26 11:02:32This system is already developed 50%. Submitted for detailed progress monitoringThis system creates an activities planning based on submitted annual activities. Then this system will be integrated to Procurement System for automatic activities realizationAutomatic Purchase Request
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4Notification Approval Payment RequestDesmiarti2020-03-05 15:32:50[Payment Request Information] Approval notification PO NumberProcurement would know if payment request has gettin approval from finance and could printed the PPDNotification by email
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improvment-approval payment request.jpgimprovment-approval payment request.jpg
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5Maintenance ReportTrisnawati Dewi Anggraheni2020-03-03 12:36:19Sebagai sarana monitoring untuk kegiatan perbaikan. Efisiensi penanganan masalah, dan memperpanjang usia dan fungsi pakai barang-Monitoring kegiatan perbaikan (dari mulai pengaduan sampai dengan perbaikan selesai) - Memperpanjang usia dan fungsi pakai fasilitas dan asset Maintenance Report Form
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6ATK RequestTrisnawati Dewi Anggraheni2019-12-11 15:07:05-User bisa melakukan permintaan ATK secara online -Adanya notifikasi dan take action online untuk GS/fasilities hal tersebut bertujuan agar permintaan ATlK lebih cepat tertangani -Stock barang ATK lebih ter updateFungsi fitur : mempermudah peminjaman dengan dilakukan secara online di ecosystem, bukan melalui email atau wa, gchat. Adanya notifikasi untuk merimender pengambilan ATK (take action), terintegrasi dengan sistem membuat database ATK otomatis terupdate, memudahkan untuk proses monitoring ketersediaan barang tersebutATK Request online
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ATK Request.xlsxATK Request.xlsx
ApprovedNot Available
7General Support ReportTrisnawati Dewi Anggraheni2019-12-11 10:57:42Sarana/wadah monitoring kinerja general support, dilengkapi dengan online schedule dan report yang terupdate setiap harinya, adanya verification menu untuk pengecekan online. Online Schedule, up to date report, monitoring automaticly untuk kinerja general support, tujuan utama adalah untuk mempermudah pengawasan dan evaluasi kinerja general support, serta kesesuaian antara jadwal dan kondisi di lapangan.General Support Form and Report
File NameLink
General Support Report.xlsxGeneral Support Report.xlsx
ApprovedNot Available
8Format dan contoh terlampirNovi Landriani2019-12-02 14:42:40-Mempermudah data surat masuk di history-
File NameLink
Surat Masuk.xlsxSurat Masuk.xlsx
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9Format dan contoh label terlampirNovi Landriani2019-12-02 13:53:55Perbaruhi sistem lama yg masih kurang lengkap untuk data tamu Mempermudah data tamu yang datang dan keluarData tamu akan bisa dilihat di history dgn lengkap
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proses Maker Recepsiont.xlsxproses Maker Recepsiont.xlsx
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10Booking Room System Trisnawati Dewi Anggraheni2019-11-26 15:46:13-Penambahan beberapa fitur (detail di lampiran) dengan tujuan untuk lebih mengoptimalkan penggunaan ruangan Lebih mengoptimalkan fungsi booking room system dengan memberikan tampilan yang user friendly, menyederhanakan prosedur/proses yang adaTombol cancel, ketika ada pembatalan peminjaman dengan kondisi yang sudah disetujui. basic room information dan kolom jumlah pengguna: data lebih informatif dan terupdate, untuk mengoptimalisasi penggunaan ruangan
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User Friendly Interface _Room Booking System.xlsxUser Friendly Interface _Room Booking System.xlsx
ApprovedNot Available
11Lost and FoundTrisnawati Dewi Anggraheni2019-11-26 14:35:42Riwayat data barang tertinggal yang lebih interaktif dan terupdate, tanpa user harus bertanya satu-satu atau melalui email. Keberadaan fasilitas lost and found akan mempermudah student/tamu yang kehilangan barang mereka. serta dapat meminimalisir penumpukan barang temuanform dan list barang tertinggal, dan riwayat data
File NameLink
Lost and Found.xlsxLost and Found.xlsx
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12Improvement databse vendorParlindungan Siregar2019-10-09 16:04:21The vendor can access the ecosystem for updated their legal documentation and in the future, they can upload the invoice documentation by themself. To get updated vendor legal documentation Get updated the updated legal documentation from the vendor
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Process Maker for Add database vendor.pdfProcess Maker for Add database vendor.pdf
ApprovedNot Available
13Equipment BorrowingTrisnawati Dewi Anggraheni2019-09-16 15:53:27One way to maintain assets. will be clearer for the period / time of use of these goods, if there is good record keeping.and to further direct the user to be responsible for the items borrowedRecording of borrowing and returning goods Automatic recording system
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Peminjaman Equipment.jpgPeminjaman Equipment.jpg
ApprovedNot Available
14Request LettersTrisnawati Dewi Anggraheni2019-09-13 11:33:13Request letter is used as a container for all outgoing mail requests. Serves to facilitate and shorten the time of writing a letter, facilitate user requests through the form rather than through email again. data or files that need to be filled are marked with yellow markers in the example that I atFor those who want to request a letter for parking member, event, work permit, and bus parkingmaking it easier for users to be able to send applications via one channel, no longer using email. output feature : request form and Request letters can be created automatically.
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Request Letters.docxRequest Letters.docx
surat keluar.jpgsurat keluar.jpg
ApprovedNot Available
15Direct email to the vendor with BOQ attachment and invitation letterParlindungan Siregar2019-08-23 16:02:53To cut off the time sent email BOQ and invitation letter to vendor ( I gave a highlight to dynamic input )When I click BOQ that would have column or text box including invitation letter to sent email to the vendorBOQ file attachment and invitation letter
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Ysh Bagian Marketing.docxYsh Bagian Marketing.docx
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16BKK otomatisRokayah2019-08-20 16:38:18Dear Pak Iwan, dan Mas Eko, mohon bantuannya dengan sangat, proses ini sangat melelahkan yang sebetulnya bisa dipermudah..nuhunUntuk transaksi mulai 1 juta, BKK terbentuk otomatis pada saat PPD terbentukMemotong 9 Step menjadi 0 step
File NameLink
Pembuatan bKK di PPD.docxPembuatan bKK di PPD.docx
ApprovedNot Available
17Initial Name difasilitasi Drop Down PIC PPD/Penerima Rokayah2019-08-20 16:29:56-Apabila dana diterima Cash oleh pembuat PPD, maka user PPD wajib mengisi "Please type initial name " di ecosystem (Drop down initial PIC PPD)Memudahkan bagian Bendahara dalam proses pembagian petty cash yang cair
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Contoh Initial.jpgContoh Initial.jpg
ApprovedNot Available
18Label Inventaris BarcodeTrisnawati Dewi Anggraheni2019-08-13 14:24:00-Deadline : Before September - Addition of barcode features for all assets, and if possible add a print out featureMakes it easier to identify the number of items that come in and out. An integrated barcode system can save a lot of time when labeling and reading information through a Barcode Inventory. This feature helps quickly update stock into electronic form and helps users to checkout quickly.Barcode inventory, soft and hard label
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Label Inventaris barcode.pngLabel Inventaris barcode.png
ApprovedNot Available
19Upgrade sistem Pengelolaan asetTrisnawati Dewi Anggraheni2019-08-13 09:37:10-Penambahan Filter pada kolom location dan asset name -Pemisahan antara Barang ATK dengan Assets -kolom "status" isi secara otomatis, terintegrasi dengan sistem peminjaman equipment di ecosystem - Purchase Categori ditambahkan, bukan hanya satu pilihan "Barang modal", ditambahkan "barang habis pakaiMemudahkan pengelolaan dan penomeran barang bukan cuma asset tapi juga barang habis pakai dan semua barang gudangSistem Inventaris Barang
File NameLink
Manage aset.jpgManage aset.jpg
ApprovedNot Available
20Addtional tools for Purchase OrderParlindungan Siregar2019-08-05 13:38:39To minimize to inputting data especially for the vendor with fix nominalTo make fix information for the vendor with fix nominal Procurement staff no need to input nominal when creating Purchase Order, but if there is any changed Procurement case edit before created Purchase Order
File NameLink
Daftar Vendor.xlsxDaftar Vendor.xlsx
ApprovedNot Available
21automatic labelingTrisnawati Dewi Anggraheni2019-07-26 15:53:35Format dan contoh label terlampir. mempermudah distribusi lunch boxLunch box diterima sesuai request
File NameLink
label menu pilihan staff.xlsxlabel menu pilihan staff.xlsx
ApprovedNot Available
22Transportasion request driverRiansah2019-06-11 16:43:20Penanggung jawab atau delegasi tugas ada 2 Jakarta dan Bandung Untuk Bandung ke Pak Mukti dan Mas Fatur Untuk Jakarta ke Pak Iwan doli dan Mba Trisna (Detail terlampir )Mempermudah user untuk request driver bandung untuk mempersiapkan uang harian dan segala kebutuhan nyasemua request transportasi baik jakarta maupun bandung tidak menggunakan email lagi, lebih terstruktur dan tersistem.
File NameLink
Flochart Rian.pdfFlochart Rian.pdf
ApprovedNot Available
23Checklist All VendorRokayah2019-06-11 15:23:22-Agar tidak terjadi pengiputan vendor yang beulang-ulang untuk transaksi yang samaUser cukup sekali saja pilih vendor untuk beberapa line anggaran yang digunakan
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24Penambahan Fitur Sumber Dana Perencanaan 12019-06-11 15:07:09penambahan fitur ini di karenakan pada tahun ini ada kebijakan dari ITB mengenai sumber dana anggaran SBM yang terbagi menjadi DM dan BP-PTNBH, sehingga pada saat pengajuan ke keuangan itb harus dari sumber dana yang sama.Memisahkan kegiatan sumber dana DM dan BP-PTNBHsetiap unit dan prodi hanya dapat mengajukan anggaran berdasarkan pada sumber dana yang sama.
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25Created Surat Permohonan Pembayaran for invoice more then 10.000.000Parlindungan Siregar2019-05-28 13:35:39For administration document supporting ( yellow color will dynamic )Vendor can created Surat Permohonan Pembayaran base on their invoice to SBM ITB Draft Surat Permohonan Pembayaran
File NameLink
Surat Permohonan Pembayaran.docxSurat Permohonan Pembayaran.docx
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26Detailing Purchase Request for UserParlindungan Siregar2019-05-28 13:06:59Form will be more specific for detailing the request Detailing what user need more specific for their request goods or serviceProcurement will be more easier to know what user need for their goods or service
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Kategori_Purchase Request.xlsKategori_Purchase Request.xls
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27Lunch Menu Order in EcoSystemTrisnawati Dewi Anggraheni2019-05-22 09:37:13-consumption budget efficiency and reduce the amount of food left over. because the amount of food available is the same as the number of employees / staff present on the day.-make it easy for users to choose their own menu every day new system for order lunch box on the day or at least (H-1)
File NameLink
Operational Staff Order Summary.pngOperational Staff Order Summary.png
System Algorithm.pngSystem Algorithm.png
User Request Lunch.pngUser Request Lunch.png
User Request Menu Template.pngUser Request Menu Template.png
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28Uang Masuk Pembayaran dari ITB ( Cash In)Desmiarti2019-05-20 10:40:30-Pencatatan Uang Masuk Pembayaran dari ITB ( Cash In)Penambahan saldo petty cash karena adanya pembayaran dari ITB
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29Troubleshooting Queue SystemEko Cahyo Nugroho2019-03-30 11:04:31This system in my opinion does not need to be approved by IT Manager / Supervisor because this system only for supporting the current business process without any major changes or strategical changes.1. User can submit a request to get the technical or non technical support from IT based on requested support category 2. User can monitor and check the request 3. User can report that their problem has been solved 4. IT Staff has the historical action was taken as the database for standard technical / non technical support in the future. 5. As the basic data for F&Q feature1. Troubleshooting follow-up status 2. Technical and Non Technical support history and database
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example from another system.pngexample from another system.png
Troubleshooting Queue System - Business Process.jpgTroubleshooting Queue System - Business Process.jpg
Troubleshooting Queue System - IT Support Troubleshooting Report Form.jpgTroubleshooting Queue System - IT Support Troubleshooting Report Form.jpg
Troubleshooting Queue System - User Troubleshooting Form.jpgTroubleshooting Queue System - User Troubleshooting Form.jpg
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30Synchronize Student Profile From Space to EcosystemRio Oktaviyanto2019-03-26 10:44:06to view Student Data and Profile Synchronize Student Profile From Space to EcosystemStudent Data
File NameLink
Student Profile.jpgStudent Profile.jpg
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